for videosaimusicstories and more
Welcome to my dark and enchanting art realm, where I weave hauntingly beautiful tales through the art of storytelling. My animations are a journey into a world that is both alluring and macabre, where shadows dance and spirits roam free. The poetry videos that I help to create are a mix of words and videos that delve into the depths of the human soul, exploring themes of mental health, darkness and the unknown. And through my strange tales, I beckon you to step into a world that is at once unsettling and mesmerizing. Join me on a journey into the unknown, and discover the beauty that can be found in the shadows.
J. Alastalo
Tuntematon – Poetry video by Ouro Kollektiivi: Kirsi-Marja Moberg & Jarno AlastaloMy role: Editing and shooting
Asking for Permission – Poetry video by Kirsi-Marja MobergMy role: Editing and shooting
Celestial DimensionsAnimation made with help of AI. Music by Henrik Rhubarb.
Project Henrik RhubarbMy music maker alias.
Factual prose booksAuthor of Oudot tyypit, Pimeä netti and Sometarinoita Suomesta